Rachael Kesler Palm

Rachael Kesler Palm is a queer woman, author, activist, creator, communications professional, and mother. Her passion lies in creating: creating change through my activism as a volunteer with Moms Demand Action; creating beautiful content through marketing communications work; and co-creating a fulfilling life with her 8-year-old daughter and fiance Carolyn by her side.

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Yolonda Coles Jones, The Calm and Thrive Coach

Yolonda Coles Jones, also known as The Calm and Thrive Coach, is an international conscious relationship expert and empowered living coach. She helps reactive, drained, distracted and anxious people learn to be more at home, at peace and in unconditional Love with themselves and others so they can be more present in more of the moments that make up this one precious and beautiful life.

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Dylan and Joan of Critter Butts

Listen to this episode as Joan and Dylan share their thoughts and experiences around:
- being aware that you're neurodivergent and how that plays a role in the way you run your business
- the surprise of having a community impact that stems from your business
- developing the awareness and self-esteem that your business is not for everyone, and that's OK
- being seen in your time of need and using that experience to help others

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Allison Egidi of Sleep and Wellness Coach

Allison Egidi is a certified pediatric sleep coach and founder of Sleep and Wellness Coach. Her primary area of focus is sleep for newborns through early elementary-age children. She offers 1:1 virtual consultations and online courses and workshops. She also provides parents with weekly educational content on her podcast, How Long 'Til Bedtime.

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Susan Good of Latitude Massage

In 2021, Susan quit her full-time spa job and opened her business, Latitude Massage. What she thought would be a solo-preneur endeavor quickly turned into something much bigger than herself. She now works with a fabulous team of seven and is excited to see how the massage studio continues to grow and reach even more folks in the Charlottesville community.

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Carolyn Leasure of SmallBiz Sidekick

Carolyn Leasure is who you turn to when you want to fill your business with ideal clients – and still have a life offline.

With SmallBiz Sidekick, she provides web design, messaging, & integrations for solopreneurs, service providers, & coaches who think “tech” is a scary word. 

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Holly Kennedy and Ellen Jones of Mother Tree Wellness

How often do you compare your old with your new self, and how are you showing up as your "whole self", whether it's for work or family? Listen to this episode as Holly and Ellen share about those things, as well as vulnerability with clients, what it's been like to give and receive support with your business partner, and journeying through money-mindset as female entrepreneurs.

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Reverend Marc Boston

Listen in as Marc shares an abundance of wisdom nuggets and personal experiences around: transitioning from working outside the home in corporate, to inside the home as a stay-at-home-parent; what it was like to write and publish a number of children's books; and what it means to nurture our hobbies and skills to build a life that is the truest reflection of our full selves.

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